- Airborne surveys (high density)
- Modelling and interpretation
- Ground surveys (all techniques)
- Determination of physical properties
- Palaeomagnetic measurements
- Reconstruction of old data
- Groundwater exploration (borehole siting)
- Groundwater pollution plume mapping
- Seismic-hazard assessment
- Seismic-risk assessment
- Seismological research into safety at mines
- Operation of the South African National Seismograph Network (SANSN)
- Participation in the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty

- Regional geochemical mapping on a sampling-density grid of one soil (or stream-sediment) sample per km2. Samples are analysed on a Simultaneous X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (SXRF) for As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe2O3T %, MnO %, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, TiO2 %, Th, U, V, W, Y, Zn and Zr.
- Regional geochemical trends are mapped.
- Small- to medium-sized outcropping ore bodies are identified.
Engineering Geosciences
- Engineering-geological and geotechnical expertise
- Foundation Investigations
- Construction-material investigations
- Landslide inventory and susceptibility studies
- Geotechnical Investigation for Township Establishment
- Engineering-geological Database (ENGEODE)
- Regional engineering-geological mapping
- Research, focusing on understanding the dolomitic environment and its stability
Minerals Development
- Mapping and sampling of ore deposits
- Mineralogical and physical characterisation
- Mineral-commodity reports and maps for specific purposes
- Assistance to small-scale miners
- Industrial minerals
- Maintenance of the COREDATA and COAL databases
- Maintenance of the SAMINDABA mineral-deposits database
Water Geoscience
Planning and assessment of rural water-supply systems. Groundwater resource assessments (quantification, flow determination and water quality studies).Groundwater sustainability studies for both resources and water supply schemes. Management of groundwater resources, including exploration. Groundwater- and contaminant-transport modelling.Management of groundwater contamination (e.g. impact of mining, as well as of waste and sanitation facilities). Hydrogeological mapping. Environmental Management Programme Reports (EMPRs). Specialist environmental drilling services (direct push methods, as well as gas and water sampling)
Environmental Geoscience
- Environmental investigations
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Mine Environmental Management Plans
- Pollution investigations
- Risk assessment
- Laboratory Services
- Batch and Kinetic leach testing
Marine Geoscience
Marine geophysical surveying. Near-shore and continental-shelf mapping. Resource surveys of heavy minerals, marine placer diamonds, potash and phosphate. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). Marine geoscience database. Wreck surveys. Marine engineering-site surveys. Coastal- and estuarine-sediment dynamics. Scientific diving surveys
Other Scientific Services
Regional geological mapping at various scales for national and international clients.
Site-specific geological mapping assisting Applied Geosciences
Sedimentological studies and basin analysis.
Soil and palaeosol classification and mapping.
Structural, metamorphic and igneous investigations in complex metamorphic terranes.
Compiling national and international thematic maps.
Petrographic investigations.
Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis.
Geohydrology and groundwater investigations at catchment scale.
Coastal Geology and recent geological changes.
Mineral assessment and development and metallogenic mapping.
Sedimentology of estuarine and coastal environments.
Palaeoseismic investigations for critical facilities.
Regional structural analysis of intensely deformed terranes.
Structural assessment of groundwater aquifers.
Petrology of high-grade metamorphic and igneous rocks
Thermobarometry of metamorphic terranes.
Metallogenesis of ore deposits using petrographic and geochemical analysis.
Landslide and mass movement susceptibility mapping.
Engineering-geological mapping and site investigations.
Development-potential geotechnical assessment and mapping
Cemetery site investigations and planning.
Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management.
Programmes for prospecting, quarry development and mining
Specialist geoscientific contributions for environmental impact assessment processes.
Advanced structural and microstructural analysis.
Thermobarometric analysis of metamorphic terranes.
The provision of authoritative checking and standardisation of all stratigraphic terminology used by the secretariat of the South African Committee for Stratigraphy (SACS).
The maintenance of the SACS database, which is used to record and administer the stratigraphic terminology for South African stratigraphy.
Palaeontological research specialising in: biostratigraphy, sedimentary stratigraphy, the reconstruction of depositional environments, Palaeoichthyology, Permo-Triassic mammal-like reptiles, and Plio-Pleistocene mammals.
Regolith characterisation and mapping for infrastructure development and mineral explorations.