Update On CGS Laboratories Temporary Closure


A little over a month ago, the Council for Geoscience (CGS) temporarily closed its laboratories due to concerns around its compromised air quality.

Since the closure of the laboratories, we have been taking precautionary measures to ensure the integrity of all our laboratories while also prioritising the health and safety of our employees. To date, we have instituted an internal investigation that seeks to identify the root cause attributable to the temporary closure. We can confirm that the investigation is now at an advanced stage and is due for completion. Moreover, once this process has been completed, we will resume with the normal operation and functioning of our laboratories.

We would like to take all our valuable stakeholders into confidence that we are doing our outmost best and working tirelessly to resolve this matter.

Once again, we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this and take this time to thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

Yours in service,

Mosa Mabuza (Mr)
Chief Executive Officer

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